John Andersen Art
Available Paintings
Oil Landscapes
Still Lifes
Oil Pastel Landscapes
Artist Statement
Recognitions & Awards
All paintings available through
Fading Light 24"x36"
End of Day 6"x9"
Autumnal Glade. 12"x12"
Majestic Sunset 12"x12"
Gray Skies 12"x12"
Autumn Trees. 8"x10"
spring, After the Rain 18" x 30"
Lavender Clouds 11"x14"
Autumn Morning II, 11"x14"
Rising Cloud. 24"x24"
January Evening, 12"x16"
Evening Sky IV, 12"x12"
Spring Meadow. 12"x16"
Hazy Sunset 16" x 20"
Further Afield 16" x 16"
Dawning 16" x 24"
Midwest Sky. 12"x16"
Sunset, Orange Sky 11"x14"
Available Paintings
Oil Landscapes
Still Lifes
Oil Pastel Landscapes
Artist Statement
Recognitions & Awards